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Saturday, 10 December 2011

Cupcake Liner As Decorative Snowflakes, Dangerous Beauty, Celebrity Party Night and more

Cupcake Liner As Decorative Snowflakes

A clever way to repurpose an everyday item

Dangerous Beauty

Two men near a red truck with a tornado

Celebrity Party Night

They are all gone wild and in the sexy costume its really hot and sexy

What a Babe

She is known as Sexy in Saree and in this gallery she is in a gorgeous sexy Saree

Letting It All Go to Your Head

Ohhh, sweet mystery of life, at last I?ve found you!

Legs Catastrophe

From what we've just been told this is an ad for a Polish TV show

Cheeseburger in a Cup ? Just Add Boiling Water

Big Cheese Meat Cup Noodle combines seasoned American pork, cheese, crisp red bell peppers, cabbage and onions with classic curly noodles and a rich soy sauce flavored soup?best of all it?s only 468-calories.

Pioneers Selling Mobile Phones

Check out photos of sexy salesladies working in one of the cellphone stores

Bangladeshi Music Sensation Silvy

She is a singer but she is famous for her sexy figure and attitude, just check it

First Bulletproof Electric Car Revealed Today!

Be the high-tech James Bond with this never before seen bulletproof electric car!

Read the Road Banner, and Get Shocked...

let us Amazing Pix avaliable

Dune Buggy Jumps Spectator

A complete moron decides to get closer to the action to take a picture and is nearly destroyed by a dune buggy

Incredible PhotoManipulation by Kassandra

Kassandra is ?n Ukrainian ph?t?gr?pher wh? likes t? ?dit ?nd m?nipulate h?r ph?t?s in ? beautiful manner.

Too Close Celebrity Close-Up Shots

Whether you?re a wealthy and famous celebrity, attractive or not so cute, close-up shots tend to not be very flattering, even for star

Celeb Quotes of 2011 That Sound Weird

Johnny Depp on photo shoots

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