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Thursday, 15 December 2011

7 Constrictor Snakes Consuming Large Animals Whole, Beautiful Winter Photography, Baby Sloths Are Cute and more

7 Constrictor Snakes Consuming Large Animals Whole

As the coils wrapped around the animal squeeze ever tighter, so its vital force is sucked out, its eyes glazing over

Beautiful Winter Photography

Snow, ice, and the crispness that comes with freezing temperatures can add a new dimension to your photos

Baby Sloths Are Cute

Welcome to the sloth orphanage is Costa Rica, there's lots of cuteness here!

Drama at Kievsky Station

In recent weeks Moscow?s stations and transport hubs have been nervous places, with increased security and assorted cops making themselves busy as part of a crackdown on terrorism

People Who Think I'm Quiet

You must see this funny picture!

No Ordinary Turtle

Very funny picture. See it!

What It Is Like To Be A Deer Breeder

The Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, Russia. A deer farm

Simon's Cat Won't Be Left Out

Just when he thinks the cat is out of the way and he can enjoy himself

La Loma Cemetery In Manila

La Loma cemetery was founded by Spaniards in far 1884 being the oldest in Manila.

Dreaming About a Special Person?

Dreams about love are very common. If you are in love with someone you will surely have many dreams about this person. The unconscious mind is very generous; it sends you all the information you need about the special person in your own dreams.

Reporter's Slip of Tongue

Ashton Altieri throws it back to the studio

Garden Studio

The Micropod is a garden studio measuring only 2.5 by 2.0m

Kate Beckinsale in Flaunt

Does Kate Beckinsale ever do a bad photoshoot? Nope. Here?s another sexy photoshoot in Flaunt. She could wear a cardboard box and make it look sexy

10 Most Colorful Towns on Earth

The eye often wearies of red brick, gray steel and beige stone

Beautiful Meghan Allen

Meghan Allen is an American softcore model and reality show contestant

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