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Saturday, 3 September 2011

Corey Feldman -- Sued for Being a Horrorble Person

Filed under: Corey Feldman, Movies, Celebrity Justice

Corey Feldman
NEVER SHOWED UP to a horror film festival in Pennsylvania last year ... and believe it or not, people are actually upset about it.

Feldman -- who starred in a couple of "Friday the 13th" flicks back in the '80s -- had been sued for failing to appear at the 2010 Eerie Horror Film Festival ... AFTER he accepted a $5,000 payment.

Now, TMZ has learned the court ruled in favor of the EHFF -- and has ordered Corey to fork over $8,149 for the show fee, legal costs and interest.

FYI -- this year, the EHFF booked the frickin' BOONDOCK SAINTS!!!! So, you should probably go check that out.


Click here to watch out full story!

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